
Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre
Mässans Gata/Korsvägen, 412 94 Göteborg, Sweden
Main Entrance:
Entrance 2

Conference Organiser,
Abstract Management

Wiener Medizinische Akademie GmbH
ESHG 2019 Secretariat
Mr. Oscar Pacheco
Ms Sarah Pirklbauer
Alser Strasse 4, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 405 13 83 39
Fax: +43 1 407 82 74
UID: ATU 44511907
UID: SE502079719601
FN 168190P

Exhibition, Sponsoring
and Commercial Satellites

Rose International
Exhibition Management and Congress Consultancy bv
Ms. Jantie de Roos
Ms. Flora van Laer
P.O. Box 93260, NL-2509 AG
The Hague, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 383 8901
Fax: +31 70 381 8936

Hotel Accommodation

Strandvejen 171, DK-2900 Hellerup
Copenhagen, Denmark
(CVR 1995 0603)


ESHG Administrative Office

European Society of Human Genetics
c/o Vienna Medical Academy
Ms. Andrea Robinson
Ms. Alissa McGregor
Alser Strasse 4
1090 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 405 13 83 35
F: +43 1 407 82 74

Scientific Programme Committee 2019

Joris Veltman, Chair, UK

Yasemin Alanay, TR
Valerie Cormier-Daire, FR
Jose Luis Costa, PT
Elfride de Baere, BE
Vita Dolzan, SI
Edward Dove, UK
Francesca Forzano, UK
Brunella Franco, IT
Lude Franke, NL
Jens Michael Hertz, DK
Martin Kircher, DE
Maris Laan, EE
Conxi Lazaro, ES
Celine Lewis, UK
Cecilia Lindgren, UK
Ramona Moldovan, RO
Carla Oliveira, PT
Matti Pirinen, FI
Lucy Raymond, UK
Alexandre Reymond, CH
Sam Riedijk, NL
Sini Skarp, FI
Maria Jesus Sobrido, ES
Maria Soller, SE
Malte Spielmann, US
Asbjörg Stray-Pedersen, NO
Zeynep Tümer, DK
Enza Maria Valente, IT
Thierry Voet, UK
Karin Writzl, SI

Jerome del Picchia, Executive Officer, AT

Annual Meetings Committee 2019

Andrew Read, Treasurer


Gunnar Houge, President
Alexandre Reymond, President-elect
Christine Patch, Vice-President
Karin Writzl, Secretary-general
Carla Oliveira, Deputy Secretary-general
Andrew Read, Treasurer
Joris Veltman, Chair of the SPC

Jerome del Picchia
Executive Officer of the ESHG

Sarah Pirklbauer
Oscar Pacheco
Conference Organiser, Vienna Medical Academy

Jantie de Roos & Flora van Laer
Exhibition Organisers, Rose International

ESHG Executive Board 2018 – 2019

Gunnar Houge, President
Alexandre Reymond, President-elect
Christine Patch, Vice-President
Karin Writzl, Secretary-general
Carla Oliveira, Deputy Secretary-general
Andrew Read, Treasurer
Jerome del Picchia, Executive Officer

Please click here to see an overview of the potential conflicts of interest of the scientific committee.